How To Be A Leader In Your Business (Best Tips For Entrepreneurs)


In this blog post, I am going to be talking about being a leader in your business and how to exactly do it. I am going to be talking about the key things to think about when it comes to leading your business.

See a Vision

The first thing, In Kev's opinion, one of the key things about leadership is having a vision. When you talk about a vision, an ultimate vision for you, it isn't all about changing the entire planet or changing humanity, sometimes it is just about changing your own life, and your own family's life. 

So, if you are going into the unknown, and if you for example are a business owner, or an entrepreneur, and you want to take massive action and make it happen, then you may be coming from a family who has never done anything like this before. You may be going into the unknown, where you have no idea what exactly you are doing, but that is okay, because you are being a leader in your business, and you are being a leader of your life and your family's life. 


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Sourcing Lists In Online Arbitrage - Check Out These Private, Personal, & Smart Sourcing Lists


You know that the key to long term sustainability in online arbitrage, is finding profitable products every single day. Finding profitable products which work for your business every day is the key to your operations. Whatever your criteria is, whatever you ultimately decide is a winning product, or a losing product, the key is finding profitable products for your operations. 

In this blog post, I am going to share with you private, personal and smart sourcing lists. This is going to be a deep dive tutorial of how this works, and how it can work for your business. 

At the end of this blog post, I am going to give you an actual opportunity to experience this.  Let's first talk about sourcing lists and how this fits into the bigger picture.

The Master Sourcing Strategies. 

The bigger picture is something which Kev has always called the Master Sourcing Strategies. Kev has got some really good videos and tutorials on his YouTube channel about all the different ways...

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Should You Just Follow Others In Building Your Amazon FBA Business?


Kev recently got a great question on his YouTube video, which i am going to be answering for you in this blog post. This great question was from AG Carbs asking this, "Hi Kev, from an Amazon FBA perspective is there any need for a seller to develop their own new systems, when there are already so many successful sellers out there and the systems already set out by them can be followed?"

What Systems Are Already Out There?

Right now, if you are only just starting your Amazon FBA business, or you are looking at taking your business to the next level, one thing which AG Carbs quite rightly said is, we are living in a fantastic time right now, where there are many YouTube videos, which are sharing so many tips, strategies, insights, vlogs, over-the-shoulders, templates and so much more; there is a wealth of resources on YouTube. This is also an amazing amount of Facebook groups and communities which you can learn from, where people are sharing what they are doing, what they are...

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Kev's Honest Thoughts On Amazon FBA in 2021


In this blog post, I am going to share with you Kev's honest thoughts on Amazon FBA in 2021. This will be applicable to you, if you are in phase 1 of your journey, where you are just getting started, or you have only just got started, and you are looking at really taking this opportunity and taking your life and business to the next level, where you are able to quit your job. Or, you are in phase 2 of your journey, which means that you are more of a seasoned seller - you have maybe been selling for many months, or even years at this point, and you have got team members, or you are looking at adding team members - you are looking at structuring your business systemising your business, putting management processes in place - this blog post will just share with you Kev's general thoughts.

Expect the Unexpected 

Kev has experienced quite a lot over the past few years, since 2015, every year there has been many changes, there has been many different policies, there has been a lot of...

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How To Outsource Purchasing In Your Online Arbitrage Business


The goal of this blog post is to help you outsource your online arbitrage purchasing. We are going to go through the 3 phases on how to do this confidently, to do this safety, and to give you the certainty and clarity that you are going to be protected, and that your business will be able to scale to the next level. 

I'm not just going to share with you the nuts and bolts, the strategies on how to do this, or the step by step on how to do this, but I am also going to go underneath the surface, too - I am going to share with you, some of the personal challenges Kev had, from a phycology point of view, what prevented Kev from outsourcing purchasing for eight months back in 2016, when Kev was doing for the very first time and Kev was doing everything himself with his team and experienced all of this.

So, this blog post is going to be fantastic for you if you are interested in outsourcing purchasing.

Major Systems In Online Arbitrage

In your online arbitrage business, you need need...

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Kev's 21 Highest ROI Habits To Become A Millionaire


In this blog post, I am going to be sharing with you, Kev's highest ROI habits. There are going to be 21 actions which I am going to share with you in this blog post, which you can take massive action on, which will help you in your journey.

So, let's start.

1. Goal Setting & Ultimate Visions 

Before 2015, Kev never really set goals in his life. Kev always had traditional goals in his life, like doing well in his career, having a loving and healthy family, and going on holidays. But, he never had any other types of goals - he never really explored goal setting. One of the reasons for this is growing up, not having any luxuries or any money, Kev came from a council estate, he started having limiting beliefs and ideas of the world of what you can and can't do. 

You should set ultimate goals and ultimate visions of what you want to achieve in life. Forget the circumstances, the resources and where you are from, we all start at different situations, and we all have...

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How to Outsource Your Purchasing In Online Arbitrage


In this blog post, I am going to do a follow up to Kev's YouTube video, "How to Outsource Your Purchasing In Online Arbitrage".

If you haven't seen this, please watch below.

And this is specifically answering some of the questions and comments, which came on that video. This video had some great comments and some great questions, which is why I am going to go through them in this post. So, let's get into it.


The first comment was from Erkan, and he said this, "I will be promoting my sourcing VA to purchasing manager as I already trust her. I am just worried she will be overwhelmed with sourcing and then purchasing the deals at the end of the day"


This is a great topic to do with purchasing.

So, when you think of purchasing, this is the make or break of your online arbitrage business, one of the fundamental requirements that we have in terms of confidence and competence, is quality control. This is the quality control on what you are actually purchasing, and what you...

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How to Find the Right Warehouse


In this blog post, I am going to share with you, how to find an Amazon FBA or eCommerce warehouse for your business. 

This is part 3 of a multi-part training series, where we have covered everything we need to think about and consider - some warehouse success principles, as well as some pre-warehouse considerations. This part is going to be about finding that right warehouse for you, then ultimately committing. In this blog post, I am going to share with you some of the things which Kev and Kylie have learnt over the past 6 years, doing two warehouse moves; the first warehouse move was back in 2016, where they found their first 2,000 SQ FT warehouse - I am going to share with you some tips on how Kev and Kylie were actually able to find this and ultimately commit to it. Then, more recently, Kev and Kylie moved from that 2,000 SQ FT warehouse, to the warehouse they are in currently, 10,000 SQ FT warehouse, and they went through and learnt the same sort of processes.

So, this is...

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8 Considerations If you Are Going to Quit Your Job for Your Business



In this blog, I am going to share with you 8 considerations which you need to think about, which you need to take time on to answer in your life, if you are considering quitting your job. If you are thinking about quitting your job for entrepreneurship and self-employment, these 10 things come from real life experience. I am going to be open, honest and raw with you in this video, we’re going to talk about the emotional rollercoaster which you are going to go through. I am going to talk about the real implications in real life that you are going to go through and ultimately my goal is to give you guidance on real life.

Wherever you are now, you may have a house to pay for, a family and you may have people around you who depend on you. This is a real adult decision, which you will have to come to. And if you want to be successful long-term in your business, then you are going to have to take that leap eventually. There is no way around it.

There Will Never be a Perfect...

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How to Automate Amazon FBA: 5 Steps


In this blog post, we would like to share with you 5 tips for beginners, for outsourcing your online arbitrage business. We would like to go through with you, a beginners guide to outsourcing and automating your online arbitrage business.

Always Think in Terms of Time

Regardless of the online arbitrage business model, regardless of whatever you are doing, always think in terms of time. Make sure that each day, you are spending your time doing specific tasks and that you are prioritising. 

If you are always thinking in terms of time, that will allow you to focus on those most consuming tasks. 

Clear Glass With Red Sand Grainer

Always Split Up Your Business Into Stages

The online business model is a perfect example of being able to split up your business into stages, because you have:

Stage 1. Sourcing

Stage 2. Reviewing 

Stage 3. Purchasing

Stage 4. Prepping

Stage 5. Shipping

Stage 6. Amazon Seller Central

If you would like to learn more on these stages, we have an entire series on YouTube, going into...

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